1. If I am sitting on the floor to squat by the presence of adult interaction focusing sit flat. Keep both feet straight close the order does not hamper Hand both close the order does not hamper Hand on lap two. Turn into adults in the style pages perk
2. Do not sit advanced adult Not turn to adults. Not stretch the adult foot.
3. Does not care about eating or acquaintance that he arranged for others, especially
4. Not mimic adult or older than they.
5. The festival that he organized the guest chair sit When the adults to stand because no seats. Who have good manners should sit or stand for additional seats.
6. To see what the adult or others are looking. When he went later. Do not squeeze or insert another forward. Without the need to look through the pages or other shade.
7. Before doing anything to help the body touching the adult need good people to know.
Should say sorry first round and then the relief from the ants, or take a powder for example.
8. When you see any other things that fall or are damaged by the owner knowing it. Should tell the owner immediately.
9. The well-mannered sheep will not scratch or pick pick yawn burp before others Even if I sneeze it requires a handkerchief to gag the voice gradually. And no objectionable or irritating to others.
10.'s Time for the adults. Should not ignore the snatch pull out by force If the length of the support should ignore it. If it is heavy. I use both hands from the support of the hands of adults.
Wai is the traditional Thai massage. How to respect people should respect. Should choose the suitable opportunity to place
1. There are many ways to pay homage. Standing and sitting with Wai Wai. To respect the individual as its superior.
A. How Wai sitting squat Phanom both hands up to chest level. Head fell into the same stretch that builds thumb brow
B. To stand Wai Wai, if necessary, because the trip home When you find people to respect the way, then Phanom hands raised chest level. Nod to abut each other and builds thumb brow
2. When a cleaning respectful greeting to us. A greeting is to be respected not to misbehave Or to provide a show of respect.
Ashamed or angry and cause you to think I do not want to continue to respect.
Pranam greeting to raise both the quantity levels. And lift up as high as more or less as of the beg And of the greeting.
3. To sit down elbow How to respect adults who have a very senior one. Squat on the ground in time. When the ride is great to talk to. But the squat straight any respect I feel inadequate It fell down the arms, both hands placed on the lap looking up the coalition. The opportunity to speak or interact matter sitting looking up to speak passable, if not interact with adults.
4. When sitting in chairs. If a noble or who we highly respect said to stand or sit nearby, we sat in respect of style fried elbows on our knees hand coordination. Spoken dialog for you. Better than sitting upright chair indifference waste Hanging the feet close together and then keep the foot aligned with the chair as much as possible.
5. Prostration
To prostrate oneself sitting in a squat Tha Phon hands close together on the floor in front. Nod at the floor to stretch the thumb builds eyebrows or prostration prostration prostration is done for Who the boss and senior Sak and prostration with no one to ignore the ground.
6. The Klan.
How is moving slowly through the very people who are sitting on the floor. Or elders sitting on the floor. Our traditions teach that people are not well-mannered person walking a headcount.
How many types of crawl. The Klan is the knee bones to move away instead of walking feet.
A. crawl using both hands placed on the floor to support the sharing it. Kneeling close to the ground. Toe jump straight arm to lean on the floor, both hands share the arms and then lean ground as hard as Alternately with the left knee at the destination.
B. Advance slowly bend knee to knee is both moving forward. One switch left knee, right foot instead of walking without manual help support the model. Four legs slowly crawling with an A. But this is a popular ไม่สู้ considered impolite four legs was crawling with an a.
¤. Slowly raised one hand. Only then lord king. He then senior.
Slowly raise your hands (slowly limp).
Hold your hands on his knees and then set him up one side to match. Spy foot forward by one side to move (Kho Yang rose) on one side and then change him or her to set up alternate destination.
D. Slowly creep elbow is very common. Author Su Lower arm elbow to fry along the ground to move forward instead of elbow hand Arms and legs move together.
7. Stand
A manner that the long bones of the leg and then knee all contribute pelvis Spine with the head straight up to the weight down to toe In time the two sides set up direct
Respect the stance is as follows.
Respect the flag stand. Ed Angel church B ณ์ national treasure, a love of the people who already owned the nation around the world, so at the invitation flag pole and then down the towers every day. We stop respecting the daily routine of people who have already heard the national anthem. Performed by the time the invitation flag up or down.
1. The ceremony when I saw various people inviting flag pass We must stand up to cleaning every respect. Flag of the church b ณ์ Ed Luck.
Sacred national When any public official or perform useful to have died in the nation. The official. The government will use the flag to cover funeral honor.
2. As soon as the King or the Queen Sirikit. To proceed to the various ceremonies, we must stand up to pay respect. Or our time on the road is the same. Is immediately turned towards the king's stand on and then stop to pay respect or give any bow.
3. Every time you hear a song praising his prestige to stop stand still in place until Than to end the music to give respect. Then have to give respect when respect bow or raise the end Music.
4. Stood welcome adults who are walking into work. If we are sitting on a chair. Must stand stand fixation with order.
Then turn to the adults.
5. Who have good manners will stand arms and legs hang naturally to respect adults. If the hands forward with a show of respect Thawee more
8. Walk.
Walking is the stance Perfect legs straight out at a side alternating Knees bent and feet placed exactly as if walking on board a single sheet. To walk to complete. Do not laugh loud or boisterous banter each tendon is not the head straight arm swing is not high enough and ugly beauty. If walking in crowds should wait for friends to peek under the rear Do not walk too fast or too slow.
9. Sleep
The interaction of sleep every body placed flat on a bed of fried or on a bed for sleeping only and should Ladies and gentlemen.
It is best to check each non-general
10. Courtesy of an international body.
The hand is an indication western pleasure to welcome genuflect The friendship trust each other. Symptoms that indicate sensitivity to submit bare handed out to both sides would show the purity of each other. Share with each other that nothing concealed in your hand before holding hands. As well as show respect for Thai culture. With both hands and the Phanom nod to show respect.