When a small child, I will go the temple with his grandmother on a daily basis. Or the coming of Buddhism, which in one year will be several days. I have the opportunity to offer food to monks multiple images simultaneously. I did so until the growth. I rarely have the opportunity to merit the grandmother again. Until grandmother died.
Today, when I bring food to the monks at the temple offering, which if falls on the person will have to measure a lot. But most elderly people will always have to. Not have small children or children who start growth. Even the adults themselves. Have not seen it. The more you ask, you said, most work on. Widespread unable to measure it. "
But when it's time to feel themselves unlucky to fall Duang hurried to the temple to sprinkle holy water Or, ask that you pray wish.
This is true I. I used to take his son to frequent. Then this will have much the same manner as to merit a particular birthday. Only on the merit of only themselves feel important.
"If nothing is not to measure Until the trouble to go through. "
Is not as well understood. It almost nearly 80% of people in Thailand Buddhists. But people who listen to measure fair People to be mostly They suspect the rest would go to the temple in the same
Human ancestors are waiting to cultivate a close measure To be afraid of sin. To be a Buddhist minister.
But today, hardly anyone really want to test it, but the mission is tied. Enter the Bat will wake up in the morning I still do not have much business to be tired from work all day then. Do not want to wake up this morning to merit it, but strange enough time is suffering. Whether it is a work about love Oh, money is immediately available to measure the time to find the unknown like that to take action and tell the world. Then what will be his.
Confused as well.
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